Let's Learn AdonisJS 5 Preview

16 Lessons
3h 37m

In this series, we'll be doing a deep-dive into AdonisJS 5's Preview version. We'll learn about routing, controllers, the Lucid ORM, migrations, it's CLI, handling file uploads, transactional email, and much more.

Lesson 1.0
Dec 05, 20

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Prerequisites & Creating A New Project

We'll be learning a little about what Adonis is, the prerequisites to get started, and how to create a new project.

Lesson 2.0
Dec 19, 20

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Project Structure and the Ace CLI

We'll learn our way around Adonis' project structure and gain an understanding of what goes where. We'll also discuss Adonis' Ace CLI.

Lesson 3.0
Dec 26, 20

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Routes and Route Handling

In this lesson, we learn the basics of Adonis routing and route handling by covering how to define a route, render a page, respond with JSON, simplify our route definitions, and more.

Lesson 4.0
Jan 02, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Controllers, Services, Resources, and Namespacing

In this lesson, we'll be hammering down several Adonis topics in one swoop. We'll be covering Controllers, which in turn allow us to utilize Services, Resources, and Namespacing.

Lesson 5.0
Jan 09, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Installing and Configuring Lucid

In this lesson, we'll be learning how to install and configure Lucid, Adonis' Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) system, within our application.

Lesson 6.0
Jan 16, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Migrations

This lesson is all about migrations. We'll discuss what they are, how to use them, and how they're integrated within Adonis. Then we'll put them to use.

Lesson 7.0
Jan 23, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Altering Tables with Migrations

In this lesson, we'll expand on migrations a bit further by discussing how to alter existing databases using migrations.

Lesson 8.0
Jan 30, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Intro to Models

This lesson is all about models. We'll learn what they are, how to define them, what they're used for, and some of the extended capabilities they provide.

Lesson 9.0
Feb 06, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Defining Model Relationships

In this lesson, we'll learn about the different types of database relationships, how Adonis supports these relationship types, and how to define these relationships.

Lesson 10.0
Feb 20, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Intro to Creating, Reading, Updating, and Deleting (CRUD)

In this lesson, we'll learn the two different modules Adonis' Lucid provides us to communicate with our database. We'll then introduce basic CRUD operations using these modules.

Lesson 11.0
Feb 28, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Creating Data & Relationships Records

In this lesson, we learn about conditional inserts and how to reach through to relationships to create relationships and related records.

Lesson 12.0
Mar 06, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: The Query Builder

In this lesson we'll be focusing specifically on the query builder. We'll discuss how we can filter down data, order, limit, and aggregate our data.

Lesson 13.0
Mar 13, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Querying, Checking Existence, and Aggregating Relationships

In this lesson we'll learn how to query relationships, determine if a relationship exists, and how to aggregate relationship data.

Lesson 14.0
Mar 20, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Writing Reusable Queries with Query Scopes

In this lesson, we'll learn how we can extract repetitive query builder statements into reusable query scopes as a way to keep our codebase easy to maintain.

Lesson 15.0
Apr 03, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Validating Requests

In this lesson, we focus on Adonis' built-in Validator. We'll learn how to define a validation schema, custom messages, custom rules, and more

Lesson 16.0
Apr 10, 21

Let's Learn Adonis 5: Introducing The Edge Template Engine

In this lesson, we learn the basics of the Edge Templating Engine, which allows us to dynamically inject our server-side data into our HTML views.